Heads - stay, tails - I'll go with you.. Heads or tails? button or dash... such hard...
Button – dash, button – dash, button - dash… Come on now, fall asleep quickly and dream of a button, it'll bring good luck - mom would always say. She gave me a button round as a ball when I took off to catch up with the actors at the train station.
Heads or tails? button or dash...
The emptiness weighs most heavily at night, but if you break it down over the years it will be lighter. If you ask me what year it is, what month, I don't know, I don't remember, I only keep track of the seasons. Sometimes I see things that happened a hundred years ago… They seem closer to me than other things that happened today before my very eyes. So I'm sitting here the other day and I can feel how I'm petting a dog's head, but I open my eyes and there's no dog in sight, mine passed away long ago… I wonder where he is now?